Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This Guy Actually Answered my Question

Well, I submitted a question via email to the Vlog Santa out there in Minnesota after viewing an article about him at We Are the Media, and he actually answered my question! I didn't think he would. Go ahead and watch the video. Warning though, this Santa's not your typical Santa. He's a bit crude, but fun!

BTW, don't forget Becca's Vlogger Challenge! For more info, see below!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Santa!

as for China...
Yeah, I am going to try and post from Wuhan while I am there...however I am not sure if I will be able to key in my little self in the corner...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if reindeers can fly or does he use frequent flyer miles from United.

Also, I'vw been a good boy this year. Is he gonna be able to deliver my Xbox 360 in time for Christmas? The next availability is not till January.


Mark said...

haha, I saw that on Rocketboom! I was gonna send a postcard, but does it have to have some kind of city location and Where do you buy postcards these days? ..hmmm :-)

Anyways, I accidentally deleted my RSS 2.0 feeds, so I made a new one..