Sunday, May 07, 2006

What's in your kitchen?

Watch the video
Ever wonder what's in your fellow vlogger's kitchen? Here's your chance to find out. Well, at least what's in my kitchen. I may look a little tired in this video because I've been working a lot lately, but it all ends tomorrow. Yah!


Bernie said...

hey becca,

great video, maybe after showing us what you have in your kitchen, i guess next thing to do is to show us your skills in's ok if you don't have much spams. i luv white rice!

Anonymous said...

Guava jelly sounds absolutely yummy! I've never been much on mangos, but guava..... mmmmm......

missbhavens said...

You are too funny! Vienna sausage??? Arrgggh! I can forgive Spam--I have a soft spot for Spam because my Nana used to make it for me with honey mustard sauce--but those little sausages freak me out!!

I shudder to think how expensive those blueberries were in Hawaii....

Anonymous said...

I eat ramen all the time.

That's about all I have to say,

F Daum said...

You make vlogging the fridge hip.

Michael said...

You're alergeric to mangoes?

Who is 'we'?

Unknown said...

Umm(drool)......Spam.....and Ramon.......THAT is some healthy living... :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, now I wanna do my kitchen...I have some funky stuff...I love umeboshi!
Yes, I did think you have had a very American kitchen/American stuff...The hand/waist shot at the beginning was interesting...Gave me some ideas...

Anonymous said...

Nice kitchen, it reminds me of the kitchen I had... Before I had kids, now mine is filled with hot dogs, toys, and other kid stuff.

Great Post!

Flora Pang said...

You look awesome in the video.


Mark said...

hehe, I showed my fridge before.. It's nice to see that you are still vlogging strong. I'll be watching, haha.. later!

Anonymous said...

Spam no ka oi!

Rachael G. said...

one question; why spam!?