Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Breakfast Time!

Mitsu-Ken Okazu and Catering is a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Kalihi, famous for its garlic chicken and local food. However, it was breakfast time, and I was hankerin' for some breakfast before I headed up to an education conference at Kamehameha Schools. I ended up getting the Breakfast Special with a Hawaiian Sun Lilikoi Passion drink. Hmm... where did my coworkers go?

FYI, Okazu means "a type of meal/dish" in Japanese. Lilikoi is a type of fruit found in Hawaii.


Devin said...

Now I'm hungry that does look good.

Mark said...

mmmm, you have no hawaiian accent.. yaa bra! hehehe :)

Michael said...

I could really pick up your hawaiian accent for the first time in this video. I think it's because you were talking to other people and using hawaiian words.

missbhavens said...

mmmmm...eggs, fried rice and bacon! Three of my favorite foods on one plate at once!

Juvs said...

you know, jon pointed out kam's campus. it's like in the same area where my mom works. i was like, "whoa."

anyway. all this talk about food is making me hungry.

oh. idea for a vlog. PIDGIN! for real, brah. li dat. da kine. we go chance um, cuz. bumbye after you all pau wit your pepah. k den. shoots.